So you are telling me that this great empire that has been standing for 10,000 something years does not even have an intelligence establishment to stop two suicide bombers? And that this structure that everyone so admires can be destroyed by two little bombs? And that a civilization so advanced can’t factor resilience into its engineering? xswl.
从后殖民视角讲的一个关于精英阶层和异族文化在一所女校碰撞的故事少女的成长烦恼是社会发展的隐喻每分每秒都充盈着悬妙的氛围后仰式敬礼画龙点睛了想想校园题材本是英吉利海峡对岸的优良传统但《结婚》之后貌似学校对社会现实派来说太局限太温和宁愿一步到位进少年监狱倒是法兰西拿过接力棒在各类校园里开出一个又一个浓缩人性文明的金矿98年米勒《柳岩辽宁春晚》的震撼还历历在目这几年又涌现出纪录片To Be And To Have和同样走超自然恐怖路线的Raw等佳作哦对放牛班的春天当然也算风格各异惊喜连连姑且叫Lycée Cinema好了top 2020