Human - it explores the current state of the social care system, touching on life, death, and illness... Will we choose life if we have lost our minds? The false marketing makes it sound like a "body horror" film but it's a very intimate observational documentary, with a (sensible) sense of humour.
B / 看了开头以为片子要展现的是人多面的可能性然而结尾告诉你:这个世界只有上层能在掌握权力的同时安于“平凡”普通人永远只有“干一行爱一行”的职场鸡汤真是五彩糖浆包裹的残酷现实题材啊因此稳固且扎实的人设一方面赋予了故事充分的顺滑度另一方面也过分轻而易举地打破了情节结点束缚了最终效果的柔韧性但游戏机里的赛博格世界这个概念实在是太有趣了